00 HPA Puppets and Dolls

Covey (SARS CoV-2 virion) Stop Motion Puppet

I started on an educational puppet of SARS CoV-2 virion, also known as Covid-19, also known as coronavirus. A fun, although somewhat morbid, character. I think I will call him Covey. Would you like a hug? . .

Leather Poulaine Shoes for a Stop Motion Puppet

Timelapse videos of making leather poulaine shoes for a stop motion puppet. 1. Foot Armature Threadlock

Tall Leather Boots for Stop Motion Puppet Henry

The boots will belong to Henry, who is under the wraps until the project is completed. . . As always, I am using the tools and materials that we sell at Morezmore and name them as I go along.

Silicone Hands for Stop Motion Puppet Henry

The hands will belong to Henry puppet, who is under the wraps until the project is completed. Henry is slender, with long-fingered bony-knuckled hands. . .

Joe Blow (Part 6 – Replacement Faces)

Continues from Joe Blow (Part 5 – Head Mold) . . So… replacement faces. Low-tech, but quite satisfying. The first face (the how-to) took about 3 months, the second – about an hour, with a few tries and improvements, then it was about 15-30 minutes each. Now I make them like sugar cookies, a few […]

Joe Blow (Part 5 – Head Mold)

Continues from Joe Blow (Part 4 – Head)  . Another attempt at the face plates, starting with brand new mold, and a brand new mold making method (at least for me). I have been trying to figure out to make the reusable mold box, which will be not as wasteful as cardboard, but still affordable. […]

Mwamba Red River Hog Safari Ranger Puppet

A documentary on wild life in Africa brought this: I am going to make a wire puppet out of him. I have a few materials that I think will work on simpler wire puppets and this is a good chance to try them out. . . So, to be clear, his name is Mwamba, he […]

Delrin Eye Balls for Stop Motion Puppets

Update: A new mini eye hole drilling vise is now available Step by step: 1. Put a delrin ball into the vise, tighten. 2. Start a hole with a knife . .

Joe Blow (Part 4 – Head)

Continues from Joe Blow (Part 3 – Ball-Socket Armature) Armature is done and I am going to make the body parts. As usual, I will be using the stuff we sell at Morezmore (www.morezmore.com). Eyes. I am using delrin ball 7mm, with drilled holes – to make them rotate inside the head. I described how […]

HPA Pipe Cleaners Hand Armature Step-by-Step Instructions

.. Pipe cleaners hand armature was a success, so it is now available as a KIT. In addition to this kit, you will also need threadlocker or super glue, pliers, wire cutters and a needle with thread